Systems Integrity Bulletin

September 2001

IT Enterprise Systems and Services

Systems Integrity Group 

Quotable Quotes 

Software Testing 

Software Development Process

Article: The seven deadly sins of project estimating

Article: Some Tips for Requirements Elicitation

Article: Things I Learned in the Great Software Wars

Software Testing & Quality

Article: SIT team debuts mission statement

The WCG Systems Integration Test (SIT) group strives to

through independent verification and validation of system functionality, reliability and maintainability, using structured and repeatable risk-based testing techniques. 

Article: Software Is Different

Commentary: How Did I Get So Jaded?

Shared Content 


Article: Grep is Fundamental

Site: TechTutorials

Quiz: Database Basics

Career Development/Miscellaneous

Article: The Real History of the GUI

Telecommunications Industry

Article: Piecing Together the OSS

Useful Utilities

MS Outlook 2000 Multi-Calendar Viewer (Free -- Windows 9x/NT/2000 -- 313kB)

Dirkey (Free -- Windows 9x/NT/2000 -- 101kB)

Productivity Tips

Easy way to insert today's date in MS Word

Selecting rows and columns in MS Excel from the keyboard

Web shortcut for "Fetch" of document in Livelink